Locations In Area
The Beach is sunny and harbors many types of Pokémon. It is run through by a rail-track. The Pokémon sign here is a strange rock which, from a certain angle, looks just like a Kingler. The Pikachu here enjoy the water, and some like to pose on surfboards.
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The Cave is one of the six major areas of Pokémon Island. It is a cave where strange noises may be heard. It is tough to navigate, because of the lack of a footpath. There is a Pokémon sign here in the form of a constellation.
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The River is simply a gently flowing river. Various Water- and Grass-type Pokémon live here. The Pokémon sign here is a special tree in the form of Cubone hidden behind the flowing spores of a resting Vileplume.
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The Tunnel is one of the locations on Pokémon Island. It is a long, dark tunnel with an abandoned power plant inside. The Pokémon sign here is a strange shadow on the wall in the shape of Pinsir which appears when the power plant is brought to life.
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The Valley is a valley with a rapid-moving river flowing through it, and the home of many species of Pokémon. There is also a hidden area which can be accessed. The Pokémon sign here is a large mountain which looks like a Dugtrio and is seen almost immediately upon entering the course.
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The Volcano is a volcanic area heated by boiling magma. Many species of Fire Pokémon live within this area. The Pokémon sign here is a purple cloud which looks amusingly like Koffing and appears after a Pester Ball is thrown into a crater of magma.
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