Welcome to the Republic of Seafoam Seafoam territorial waters. Encompassing a fifty-mile bubble in all directions from the archipelago, the vibrant tropical ocean of Seafoam is filled with numerous ways to enjoy oneself. Thirty miles to the southeast of the island chain, the sea floor drops precipitously into a deep-sea trench where many species of Pokémon that inhabit deeper waters, such as Chinchou, Huntail, and Gorebyss. Natural coral reefs are found along the north and eastern shores of Islands Five, Six, and Seven, home to species such as Clamperl, Corsola, Quilfish, and Staryu. The Corsola, Seafoam's most abundant species, is also known for gathering together in large numbers all over Seafoam's waters and making their mobile, 'false' reefs. Scattered to the south and southwest of the archipelago are numerous scuttled ships, mostly of World War II-vintage battleships and aircraft carriers. These create artificial reefs loved by divers worldwide, and host more aggressive species such as Cloyster, Carvanha, and Sharpedo. Solo diving is not recommended, and divers should carry repellant. Lastly, the migration routes of Wailmer, Wailord, and other cetacean species passes through the eastern expanses of Seafoam's waters during the spring and autumn months.
Locations In Area
Temple of the Sea Dragon
A mysterious cave opening on one of the inside beaches of Island Six leads to a submerged tunnel. Those who possess scuba gear can navigate the tunnel to find what appears to be an ancient underwater temple. Stone friezes on the walls depict unknown creatures of seemingly-great power: a powerful dragon, a horse with lightning crackling about its form, a hound-like beast surrounded in flames. On the ceiling was a much-larger frieze of a giant sea serpent that gazed down at any visitors. A door that seems to lead deeper into the temple is closed and locked, with only a circular indentation in the door as a clue to open it.
The waters of the Republic of Seafoam contain an abundance of life and wild Pokémon.