Your love, it feels so good, and that's what takes me high. wrote:Name: Adric Montgolfier
Nickname: Ric
Age: 24 (October 5th)
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Farmeadow Town, Ausis
Family: Pierre Montgolfier (Father), Candy Montgolfier (Mother), Auric Montgolfier (Younger Brother), Beric Montgolfier (Younger Brother), Cedric Montgolfier (Younger Brother)
Trainer Orientation: Lawful Good
Trainer Class: Pokémon Breeder
Starter Pokémon: Clefairy

Character Theme (Normal):
Calvin Harris ft. Dua Lipa ~ One Kiss (Instrumental)
Character Theme (Alternative, True Feelings):
Alicia Keys ~ If I Aint' Got You (Instrumental)
Versus Theme (Normal):
NSYNC ~ Girlfriend (Instrumental)
Versus Theme (Rematch):
Sonique ~ It Feels So Good (Instrumental)
Calvin Harris ft. Dua Lipa ~ One Kiss (Instrumental)
Character Theme (Alternative, True Feelings):
Alicia Keys ~ If I Aint' Got You (Instrumental)
Versus Theme (Normal):
NSYNC ~ Girlfriend (Instrumental)
Versus Theme (Rematch):
Sonique ~ It Feels So Good (Instrumental)

If ya gettin' down, baby, I want it now, baby. wrote:Joseph [Male Kirlia] — I don't care if I sing off key, I find myself in my melodies.
Joseph has been with Adric almost as long as his oldest partner, Rosa the Floette. During the time Adric has spent with Joseph, the two have grown quite close. Joseph is the most talkative Pokémon in Adric's line-up, often holding entire conversations with the other Pokémon through the telekinetic connection he can establish. He is also the most protective of Adric out of all his Pokémon, including Rosa, and won't hesitate to use a full-force Psychic or Moonblast against someone who threatens his trainer.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 181.
Ability: Trace
Move Pool: Dazzling Gleam, Disable, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Healing Wish, Moonblast, Mystical Fire, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Trick
Rosa [Female Floette] — I'd be your shining star.
Rosa is quiet and loyal to Adric. Like Adric, Rosa's battle tactics are centred around avoiding attacks while taking opponents out stealthily. To that end, she uses moves such as Energy Ball, Aromatherapy and Wish, with Moonblast as her main direct attack. Floette is the Pokémon that Adric has been most prolific with regards to breeding, and Rosa is really the mascot of his entire life's work. She is incredibly unique and the standout of Adric's team on account of her incredible ability to use the Light of Ruin move.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 412.
Ability: Flower Veil
Move Pool: Aromatherapy, Calm Mind, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Hidden Power (Fire), Light of Ruin, Moonblast, Protect, Psychic, Wish
Swiss Miss [Female Slurpuff] — Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all.
One of the very first Pokémon that Adric successfully hatched was a Swirlix that later evolved - this very Slurpuff. Swiss Miss has been a loyal companion to Adric and his breeding ambitions thanks to the encouragement his father gave him when rearing Swiss Miss. Swiss is Adric's best friend, having been with him since he was seven. They are very close and can read each other almost like a book.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 412.
Ability: Unburden
Move Pool: Belly Drum, Drain Punch, Endeavor, Facade, Magic Coat, Misty Explosion, Play Rough, Return, Sticky Web, Yawn
Ishii [Male Alternately-Coloured Dedenne] — Make no sudden moves.
This Dedenne has a naughty reputation, having tendencies to cause chaos around the home. Of all the Dedenne that Adric has hatched, Ishii has shown the strongest personality that he himself has witnessed. He is, sadly, one of Adric's weakest Pokémon, but he shows tremendous spirit. Despite that, Ishii is a beloved member of the team and this is evident by the fact that Adric saw him for the great Pokémon he is out of the vast menagerie he has to choose from.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 148.
Ability: Cheek Pouch
Move Pool: Charm, Eerie Impulse, Grass Knot, Hidden Power (Ice), Nuzzle, Recycle, Substitute, Super Fang, Thunderbolt, U-turn
Tchotchke [Klefki] — Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance.
Tchotchke is the prankster of Adric's Pokémon. This tricky nature, however, does not interfere with its battling at all. Whenever Tchotchke is sent out in battle, it is completely serious, almost like a completely different Pokémon. This nature makes it perfect for Adric's composition, both bringing attributes to the team that other members lack, and also showing how diversified Adric's talents are as an esteemed Pokémon breeder. Klefki are considered a rarity across the globe, yet Adric has had great success with hatching Klefki in the past.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 156.
Ability: Prankster
Move Pool: Dazzling Gleam, Flash Cannon, Foul Play, Light Screen, Magnet Rise, Play Rough, Reflect, Spikes, Thunder Wave, Toxic
Philippa [Hatenna] — One kiss is all it takes.
Philippa doesn't excel in battles but is great at contests. She is very passionate about everything she does. She also is infatuated with Adric's younger brother, Auric. Adric has exported, traded and gifted countless Hatenna over the years but this Hatenna has been a permanent mainstay. As with most Hatenna, she is often beset with an unending confused demeanour.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 207.
Ability: Magic Bounce
Move Pool: Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Expanding Force, Giga Drain, Mystical Fire, Protect, Psychic, Psyshock, Trick Room

wrote:Tick [Female Alternately-Coloured Cleffa] — I can't stop running to you, feel love coming through you.
Tick is Adric's first alternately-coloured Pokémon that he hatched himself. Tick is highly loyal to Adric and sees him as a friend-type figure more than a trainer. Despite her monochrome-esque coat, Tick is a happy-go-lucky Cleffa, and most certainly a colourful character. Despite how young she is, she has been a stalwart companion to the Montgolfier group, and a common sighting around the ranch. She stubbornly refuses to evolve, which is partly the reason Adric kept this particular little Cleffa.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 64.
Ability: Magic Guard
Move Pool: Counter, Encore, Endeavor, Hidden Power (Fighting), Icy Wind, Thunder Wave, Toxic
Wanda [Female Clefairy] — I'll never be the same, if we ever meet again.
Adric began fundamentally starting his breeder career based on the success he had with hatching Fairy-type Pokémon in particular, and that enjoyment and fulfilment primarily began with the Clefairy line - case in point is Wanda. Later, Adric vesselled his entire persona and aesthetic on the beloved Fairy Pokémon. Despite his beloved Tick and Mango Smoothie looking slightly different, Wanda is a true-to-form Clefairy with a gentle attitude and a bubbly character. She truly enjoys life on the ranch and isn't hard-done-by for not being in Adric's immediate party.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 65.
Ability: Magic Guard
Move Pool: Flamethrower, Knock Off, Moonblast, Moonlight, Protect, Soft-Boiled, Stealth Rock, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Wish
Mango Smoothie [Female Alternately-Coloured Clefable] — I'm walking away from the troubles in my life.
Mango Smoothie is an exceptionally large Clefable, bigger than any other that she and Adric have seen before. She is very strong and is a very capable battler. She has also become a mascot of sorts for the ranch and has a fantastic relationship with a multitude of other Pokémon who call it their home. She enjoys their company very much, known for carrying others on her back and frolicking with joy. Her name comes from her delicate and unique colour, reminiscent of that of blended mango fruit, similar to that of the Mago Berry.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 65.
Ability: Magic Guard
Move Pool: Calm Mind, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Knock Off, Moonblast, Soft-Boiled, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Wish
Mikey [Male Igglybuff] — Look, I don't dance now, I make money moves.
A rather rebellious and rambunctious little Igglybuff, it initially had no interest in Adric or being his Pokémon, despite him being the one that hatched him. After a choice encounter with an angry Granbull that frightened the little Igglybuff, and having had Adric come to his 'rescue', Mikey came to respect Adric and saw that he only had the ranch and all its inhabitants' best interests at heart. Cheeky and often meddlesome, this little Igglybuff is usually found pulling pranks on the others around the ranch - or sleeping on a pile of hay somewhere. He remains the only Igglybuff ever hatched by Adric.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 1.
Ability: Competitive
Move Pool: Fire Blast, Hyper Voice, Protect, Psychic, Wish
Maggie [Female Jigglypuff] — You look so perfect standing there.
Perhaps surprising to many, but Maggie is one of the oldest Pokémon on the ranch, older in fact than Adric's younger brothers, Beric and Cedric. Because of this, she can often be found playing a mothering or maternal role on the ranch. Naturally, she is very protective of Adric and the ranch's denizens and will do almost anything to keep them safe. She is wise, patient and incredibly intelligent - knowing how to write words and read a good number too. She detests having her tail pulled, as any Jigglypuff naturally would, and hates being placed in a Poké Ball, which is why the ranch is such a good fit for her. Only once in her life has she been encapsulated.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 3.
Ability: Competitive
Move Pool: Unknown
Princess Nye [Female Wigglytuff] — Return of the mack, once again.
A sassy and high-maintenance Pokémon, Princess Nye loves nothing more than being pampered and the centre of attention, a trait not unbecoming of a Wigglytuff. She doesn't like her progress or abilities to be talked down to or about, and is often incensed at the smallest slight, putting her in a foul mood with a trademark intimidating look. She cares greatly for Adric and the ranch but Princess Nye, who demands royal treatment, often enjoys being alone to pamper herself.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 3.
Ability: Competitive
Move Pool: Dazzling Gleam, Double-Edge, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Hyper Voice, Protect, Stealth Rock, Teleport, Wish
Robin [Male Mime Jr.] — Well, baby, I surrender to the strawberry ice cream.
A sweet Pokémon with a very nervous disposition, this baby Mime Jr. is a very curious little thing. To be based on the ranch like he has is a huge blessing because of the potentially unlimited places to investigate and curiously explore. Robin can put hours of the day away by ferreting around in every nook and cranny to discover his surroundings and create his own little adventures. Often quite sickly, Mime Jr. has never experienced battling and will likely never need to. Though not entirely close with Adric, he is a loved member of his menagerie and that love is reciprocated.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 4.
Ability: Filter
Move Pool: Barrier, Baton Pass, Calm Mind, Encore, Healing Wish, Hidden Power (Fighting), Psychic, Substitute, Taunt, Trick
Jacques [Male Mr. Mime] — Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else.
When Adric began to branch out from hatching Fairy-type Pokémon into other venues, the first type he verged off into was Psychic-type, primarily because of the number of dual-type Fairy and Psychic-type Pokémon there were. Jacques was the start of that avenue, and he is glad that he took the plunge. Unsure of how things would turn out upon trying something different, Adric was pleased when the eccentric Barrier Pokémon was hatched and largely displayed all of the typical signs one would expect of a newly-hatched Fairy-type Pokémon.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 4.
Ability: Soundproof
Move Pool: Baton Pass, Dazzling Gleam, Encore, Focus Blast, Healing Wish, Nasty Plot, Psychic, Psyshock, Substitute, Trick
Franklin [Ditto] — Call it what you want.
The sole reason that Adric became a Pokémon Breeder and also the only reason he has had such a prolific success with it is entirely down to Franklin. Often known for their abilities to form a biological connection with next to every Pokémon going, Franklin is no exception to the rule, and with his help, the ranch has grown and grown and thousands of eggs have been created and given to trainers that have raised and loved their Pokémon with care. It's a massive feat for one Ditto to accomplish, and Franklin has been at the forefront of the Montgolfier empire since it began. Older and slower now, this beloved Ditto spends his downtime, now retired, at the ranch basking in the Ausisian sun and surrounded by the plentiful amounts of Pokémon that all their existence to him.
—Received in Farmeadow Town from Pierre Montgolfier.
Ability: Imposter
Move Pool: Transform
Winston [Male Snubbull] — I never meant to cause you trouble.
An incredibly sought after Pokémon of Adric's that he started to hatch from an early point in his career was Snubbull. For whatever reason, Adric deigned to keep this one in particular. Winston is inquisitive and capable and has a strong presence in and around the ranch. People who know of Adric's generosity at giving away his newly-hatched Pokémon are often desperate to get their hands on one of his highly-prized Snubbull, known for their pedigree and impressive battling prowess, and Winston is often a token of how true that is.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 46.
Ability: Intimidate
Move Pool: Bulk Up, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Heal Bell, Play Rough, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Thief, Thunder Wave
Pyre [Male Ausisian Granbull] — Okay, you're pretty, your face is a work of art.
A sully and territorial Pokémon, Pyre the Granbull is an often misunderstood Pokémon. He doesn't work well with others and has been known to aggressively lash out at even the most innocent of Pokémon for minor, trivial things. In actuality, the Granbull is a solitary beast and the very definition of 'lone wolf'. This, coupled with the fact that everyone in a 200-mile radius wants to see an Ausisian Granbull can be a volatile mix. They are an incredibly rare species in Ausis alone, let alone elsewhere in the world.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 46.
Ability: Intimidate
Move Pool: Close Combat, Crunch, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Heal Bell, Play Rough, Return, Roar, Thunder Wave, Toxic
Herman [Male Ralts] — Oh, won't you stay with me?
Often as stubborn as his beloved friend, Princess Nye, Herman is an eager little Ralts, that is often excitable and sometimes a handful. It's for that reason that Herman is kept at the ranch and not actively a member of Adric's immediate team. Despite that, he is cheerful and willing to impress his peers and trainer. He is yet to learn patience, and this can be seen when training with other Pokémon, often seeking an immediate result rather than reaching one through time and determination. That being said, he has clearly done something good to deserve being the one Ralts out of countless others that Adric decided to keep.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 181.
Ability: Trace
Move Pool: Dazzling Gleam, Destiny Bond, Encore, Memento, Protect, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Trick Room
La Dame de la Paix [Female Alternately-Coloured Gardevoir] — I'm so sick of love songs, so tired of tears.
Lovingly named by Adric's father with a unique Kalosian name, La Dame de la Paix or simply Dame radiates peace. That might not sound surprising for a Gardevoir, but at the ranch, she has become the pinnacle of safety and togetherness for all Pokémon there. Quiet and reserved, La Dame de la Paix can often be described as characterless or lacking any emotion, but in truth, she is a silent observer, and much prefers to be in the company of others in peace and quiet with the knowledge that they are safe and well. The Gardevoir can often be described as unnecessarily overcautious because the ranch is safe, but she likes to ensure things are being paid attention to.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 154.
Ability: Trace
Move Pool: Disable, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Healing Wish, Moonblast, Mystical Fire, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Trick
Milo [Gallade] — I don't like cricket. Oh, no, I love it.
Adric struggled greatly with hatching Ralts that would eventually become Gallade. Of the countless Ralts that have passed through the ranch during his career, only eleven have become Gallade. Of them, Milo showed the most promise and became a permanent fixture in Farmeadow. Though Adric doesn't have a particularly close bond with him, Milo still has a prominent role at the ranch, and can often be seen eating with the others or sunbathing, often guarding and protecting smaller Pokémon when they play. A passive Pokémon, this Gallade can be a militant fighter when necessary.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 11.
Ability: Justified
Move Pool: Bulk Up, Close Combat, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Psycho Cut, Rock Tomb, Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance, Will-O-Wisp, Zen Headbutt
Odie [Male Makuhita] — Oh, I put on my shoes and I'm ready for the weekend.
A jolly Pokémon, Odie has an inquisitive nature, much like his close friend, Robin the Mime Jr. The duo are often away from the rest of the ranch investigating or starting an adventure somewhere together. Odie very much plays the protective bodyguard in these scenarios, a role in which he is happy to play. The Makuhita and Hariyama at the ranch marked a short-lived foray into hatching Fighting-type Pokémon. Odie famously finds trinkets and knick-knacks on his explorations with Robin, which the pair bring back to Adric for him, much to his amusement.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 22.
Ability: Thick Fat
Move Pool: Belly Drum, Brick Break, Bullet Punch, Close Combat, Cross Chop, Force Palm, Heavy Slam, Knock Off, Toxic, Whirlwind
Pan [Male Hariyama] — 'Round my hometown, memories are fresh.
A difficult and temperamental Pokémon, Pan is often envious of the rest of Adric's team for not being included in his initial roster. Though this may seem like a contentious and conflicting issue for some, the majority of Adric's Pokémon are perfectly happy to be left at the ranch with the bulk of the Pokémon he owns - not Pan. Pan strives for greatness both on the battlefield and for Adric's reputation as a trainer and Pokémon breeder. Despite his jealousy, Pan is Hariyama with a good heart, and can often be found helping townsfolk in the town of Farmeadow itself, not just the ranch.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
—Number successfully hatched: 22.
Ability: Thick Fat
Move Pool: Close Combat, Earthquake, Heavy Slam, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Rest, Revenge, Sleep Talk, Stone Edge, Toxic
Keiko [Female Mawile] — Golden brown, texture like sun.
Steadfast and determined not to give up when doing anything, Keiko is a lover of battling and competition of any kind. Though she, like Pan, deigns to be in Adric's immediate arsenal of Pokémon, she is still satisfied to be at the ranch with others, unlike Pan. The two are fond friends and can often be caught friendly duelling. Though normally successful in her battles, Keiko has an overwhelming propensity to overthink situations, and this can lead to her tripping at stages she should normally be excelling in. This is something that can be addressed with time and experience, and Keiko is nothing if not willing to learn.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Intimidate
Move Pool: Brick Break, Fire Fang, Focus Punch, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Play Rough, Substitute, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance, Thunder Punch
Matthew [Male Spoink] — I hope some day we'll sit down together.
A lazy and relaxed Pokémon, this Spoink is known for not being like others of his kind. A lover of food and lounging around, unlike other Spoink known for being overactive and responsive, Matthew is more inclined to sunning himself in a field or eating everyone else's lunch for them. As a result of this behaviour, he is often considered lacking willpower and undisciplined, meaning he is often overlooked when Adric is considering Pokémon for his immediate battling and travelling team. This suits Matthew quite nicely though, as it means he has more time to chill at the ranch doing his favourite thing: absolutely nothing.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Thick Fat
Move Pool: Calm Mind, Hidden Power (Fighting), Light Screen, Power Gem, Psychic, Reflect, Shadow Ball, Substitute, Thunder Wave, Trick
Su Su [Male Alternately-Coloured Grumpig] — It's too late, it's too late, you've got another one coming, and it's gonna be the same.
Su Su is a relentless Grumpig that has had multiple spells on Adric's immediate team, only to be placed back on the ranch. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it shows Adric taking an interest and spending worthwhile time with other Pokémon that he loves, but it also stems from the fact that Su Su can often be temperamental and disobedient. Su Su was hatched by Adric as a Spoink and immediately was shown to have an almost grayscale colouration to his skin. This, for reasons unknown, happened to be a trend among Pokémon hatched by Adric at the ranch, including Tick the Cleffa, who also happened to be fully grey. This Grumpig is a lover of using weaponry and throwing things in battle, often without command to do so.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Thick Fat
Move Pool: Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Protect, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Substitute, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Toxic
Shishi [Female Chingling] — 'Cause you give me something that makes me scared, alright.
Not all eggs that Adric has are ones that he has procured himself - people often find eggs and give them to him for safekeeping or guidance, or merely because they trust him with them better than themselves. Shishi was hatched from one such egg. Though Adric had hatched multiple Chingling in the past, on account of having his own Chimecho, Shishi was one of the first (though not only) mystery eggs that were given to him by a neighbour in Farmeadow Town. Upbeat and friendly, Shishi is a loving companion on the ranch and friends with all the other Pokémon. She is very at peace there and would hate to ever leave, and this immediately rules her out of ever being in Adric's battling or travelling team. Though seeing the world would be an interesting adventure, the idea that she would be missing out on anything back at the ranch would be enough to put her off the idea.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Levitate
Move Pool: Grass Knot, Hidden Power (Fighting), Hypnosis, Knock Off, Light Screen, Psychic, Recover, Reflect, Thunder Wave, Wish
Indi [Male Chimecho] — If we don't kill ourselves we'll be the leaders of a messed-up generation.
Fiercely brave, and infallibly protective, Indi the Chimecho is the ranch's true guardian. Though one might initially think of some of the bulkier members of Adric's menagerie as the protectors, such as Pyre, Pan, Keiko or Milo, unlike Indi, none of them has command of the skies around Farmeadow Town, which Indi indeed does. He can often be found daintily floating in the skies above the ranch somewhere, keeping an eye on things for any thieves or trespassers, and though this is very rare on account of Farmeadow being a quieter area (though expansive), Indi still does an impressive job keeping things in check. He has, on multiple occasions, been at the forefront of warding off unwelcome guests, whether they be wild Pokémon or misguided trainers.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Levitate
Move Pool: Calm Mind, Defog, Heal Bell, Healing Wish, Protect, Psychic, Recover, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Yawn
Pagoda [Male Dwebble] — Dreams can come true, look at me, babe, I'm with you.
Untrustworthy, nervous, and easily frightened, this baby Dwebble is still adjusting to being in an area surrounded by a wide variety of Pokémon that it is unfamiliar with. He is unsure of strangers, of which the ranch often has many at any one time, and is often scared to be around much larger Pokémon than him. For this reason, Pagoda the little Dwebble is often a happily solitary Pokémon. It trusts Adric entirely, as he was the one to rear and raise him, and the Pokémon very much acted as his shadow for a while when growing. Pagoda will often try to act stoic and brave in front of Adric to show that he is not weak but this is very clearly a front, as the Dwebble is often frightened by simple things before visibly regaining composure out of shame or embarrassment. He is little and has a lot to learn, but he is a sweet and loyal Pokémon.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Sturdy
Move Pool: Aerial Ace, Counter, Earthquake, Knock Off, Rock Blast, Shell Smash, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Substitute
Thrae [Male Crustle] — You've got a friend in me.
A young and steadfast Crustle, Thrae has become accustomed to being around people and in particular trainers and therefore is not as shy as his younger version, Pagoda the Dwebble. Initially hatched by Adric during a short-lived bout to try hatching something a little different to the typical Fairy-type Pokémon, Thrae marked the beginning of an excellent series of successes into hatching Rock-type Pokémon. Though often lazy and not a strategic thinker, especially in the thick of battle, this Crustle is still perfectly competent, and generally has an upbeat and positive attitude for all things. Over time, he has become a loved member of the ranch and the menagerie at large.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Sturdy
Move Pool: Counter, Earthquake, Heavy Slam, Rock Blast, Rock Wrecker, Shell Smash, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, X-Scissor
André [Klink] — Here's a few things you'll need to know if you wanna be my one and only all my life.
The newest member of Adric's menagerie, he knows very little about André for two reasons. The first being that he is one of the only Pokémon on the ranch that Adric didn't hatch and raise himself. The second being that he just appeared at the ranch one day, playing with the other Pokémon and generally just being a random arrival. This is not uncommon, many wild Pokémon have been known to enjoy playing with his Pokémon there, with space aplenty for them all to frolic and have fun, but André is one of the only visitors that showed clear evidence that he wanted to stay for good. Despite obviously being genderless as a Klink, Adric provides him with male pronouns for ease of reference. The Klink doesn't seem to mind this. He also lacks a Poké Ball thus far.
—Befriended in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Clear Body
Move Pool: Charge Beam, Flash Cannon, Gear Grind, Hidden Power (Ground), Return, Rock Polish, Rock Smash, Shift Gear, Thunderbolt, Wild Charge
Dot [Male Scatterbug] — Searching for meaning, but are we all lost stars?
An unnecessarily smug and proud Pokémon, this Scatterbug is filled with far more personality than he has any right to be. Terribly curious and often overdetermined, Dot the Scatterbug is always in competition with others and even himself. Trying desperately to outshine others at anything he does, this often leads to him getting in harm's way because he is just a little Scatterbug. Much like a number of the other smaller Pokémon residing at the ranch, he loves a good adventure and is always ferreting around looking for things and exploring everything and anything, which is always a great opportunity for a Pokémon of his shape and size. Though not strong, his personality is his biggest strength, and it has gotten him out of more than one or two scrapes before.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Shield Dust
Move Pool: Bug Bite, Poison Powder, Rage Powder, String Shot, Stun Spore, Tackle
Pierre [Male Spewpa] — It's one that laughs and jokes around.
Lovingly named after Adric's father, Pierre the Spewpa is, well, a Spewpa. Gentle and quiet, there isn't much personality to Pierre at all. This isn't necessarily a bad thing though, Adric owns a multitude of Pokémon who just like to do their own thing and Pierre is very much in that demographic. As a cocoon-stage Pokémon, there isn't much that Pierre can do except wait to grow and develop at his own pace. This is an important part of being a Pokémon breeder, and knowing that fact is also half the job. Pierre takes things nice and slow, usually nestled away in a barn on the ranch, resting and enjoying a lovely breeze.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Friend Guard
Move Pool: Bug Bite, Electroweb, Harden, Iron Defense, Poison Powder, Protect, Rage Powder, String Shot, Stun Spore, Tackle
Rico [Male Polar-Patterned Vivillon] — Take my hand, take my whole life too.
When Adric set out to try hatching Bug-type Pokémon for the first time, the Scatterbug line of Pokémon was his first attempt at doing so. Rico is one of the very first of those Scatterbug eggs that Adric began his attempts with. Though he was successful, he quickly discovered the contrast in personality and behaviour between Fairy-type and Bug-type Pokémon were very different. Rico is a good Pokémon, but he quickly resented Adric for benching him and leaving him at the ranch while he set off on his journies. Eventually, Rico came to appreciate that this wasn't an insult or a bad thing, but more an opportunity for him to learn and grow from the comfort of home and with those experiencing the same things as he. Despite the climate in Ausis, he hatched with the beautiful Polar Pattern more accustomed to Vivillon from colder regions like Pondera or northern Galar.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Compound Eyes
Move Pool: Endeavor, Energy Ball, Hidden Power (Ground), Hurricane, Protect, Quiver Dance, Rage Powder, Sleep Powder, Substitute, Tailwind
Anthea [Female Blue Flower Flabébé] — Say you'll never ever leave from beside me, 'cause I want ya, and I need ya.
No one Pokémon has ever been hatched more at the ranch than the modest Flabébé. They are the reason that Adric is so renowned as a Pokémon breeder, and indeed as a Fairy-type user and trainer. His prolific success at hatching Flabébé has meant that many Pokémon trainers in and around Ausis own the beloved Fairy-type Pokémon, and also why the flowers in Farmeadow Town are as beautiful as they are - they are constantly being catered to by the little Fairy-type Pokémon. Anthea in particular is not unique in any way to the others, she just happened to be the one that Adric wanted to keep, for which she is very glad. Her ambition is to take Rosa's spot on the team when she feels she is ready to return or has had enough of battling.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Flower Veil
Move Pool: Aromatherapy, Calm Mind, Hidden Power (Fire), Moonblast, Psychic, Solar Beam, Sunny Day, Synthesis
Synthia [Female White Flower Florges] — Sunrise, sunrise, looks like mornin' in your eyes.
Self-sacrificial in the extreme, Synthia the Florges is a beautiful Pokémon that will do anything for anyone. She has fierce competition for the mother role of the menagerie from the likes of Mango Smoothie and La Dame de la Paix, but it's a role that Synthia fits much more comfortably. For starters, she has been at the ranch longer than the pair, and her battling prowess is arguably better. If there is unrest or discomfort among members of the menagerie, they will oftentimes approach Synthia over any of the others, especially if Adric is not around to resolve the conundrum. That being said, her willingness to involve herself in others' business can come across as interfering and nosy, causing the upset she aims to fix.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Symbiosis
Move Pool: Aromatherapy, Calm Mind, Defog, Hidden Power (Fire), Moonblast, Protect, Psychic, Synthesis, Toxic, Wish
Queenie [Female Espurr] — I'm about to sign you up, we can get right before the night is up.
A sweet and loyal Pokémon, this Espurr is often dazed and confused and not wholly sure what is going on at any one point in time. Despite that, Queenie is hardy and seldom backs down from a challenge. She can be hesitant to attack when needed, but mostly due to her reluctance to get hurt or see others get hurt. Though hatched by Adric, she spent a spell with his younger brother, Beric, for a duration, before being returned to the ranch - a place she doesn't mind spending her time. Queenie is still very young and has not yet embraced her full potential as a Psychic-type Pokémon, or indeed her grasp on battling.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Infiltrator
Move Pool: Hidden Power (Fire), Psychic, Substitute, Thunderbolt
Sinii Sin Sin [Female Meowstic] — It just takes some time, little girl, you're in the middle of the ride.
A delightfully playful Pokémon, this Meowstic is a lover of playing tricks and practical jokes on both people and Pokémon alike. For this reason, Sinii Sin Sin is easily bored. Despite her unusual name, the explanation for which has never actually been given, the Meowstic seems quite fond of it and responds positively to being called. More so than any other Pokémon that Adric owns, Sinii Sin Sin spends most of her time with Adric's parents at the ranch, Pierre and Candy. She is often seen with them, helping out however she can, and has been known to be a fierce competitor in a battle. Unfortunately, with her proclivity for joking and playing, she can often fail to listen properly and heed instructions, and that can cause problems.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Competitive
Move Pool: Calm Mind, Hidden Power (Ground), Nasty Plot, Protect, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt
Mercy [Female Spritzee] — Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the gray.
A cowardly Pokémon, Mercy the Spritzee is a total pacifist. For that reason, she loves being kept at the ranch and out of harm's way. She, unfortunately, lacks a sense of humour that many of her peers happen to possess, causing some to think of her as characterless and cold. Though that may seem unfortunate, Mercy is a serious Pokémon and one that can be relied on when seriousness is needed. In particular, it is obvious she has respect for Adric, his brothers, and his parents, and the bulk of the Pokémon in Adric's entourage and menagerie.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Aroma Veil
Move Pool: Aromatherapy, Calm Mind, Covet, Encore, Moonblast, Nasty Plot, Protect, Psychic, Trick Room, Wish
Raspberry Puff [Female Aromatisse] — Wherever you go, I'm going with you babe, going with you babe.
A relaxed and carefree Pokémon, Raspberry Puff is a Pokémon that worries not for trivialities. Her business is her business and she never gets involved in the affairs of other Pokémon or trainers. Though she cares deeply for her trainer and the other Pokémon around them, she is more than happy to do her own thing and have the freedom to do so. It is for those reasons that Raspberry Puff has often gone missing for several days, taking off on her own to neighbouring towns like Geigerclasp Town or even as far as Windervale City. This isn't a snub, or even for a change of scenery - Raspberry Puff, often called just Puff, simply enjoys her freedom and the ability to move as and when she wants to while remaining committed to being Adric's Pokémon.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Aroma Veil
Move Pool: Disable, Encore, Heal Bell, Moonblast, Nasty Plot, Protect, Psychic, Toxic, Trick Room, Wish
Caramelo De Plátano [Male Swirlix] — Now I'm stuck in a rut, kicking stones.
An overexcitable and fun Pokémon, Caramelo De Plátano is a hyperactive Swirlix that loves to be the centre of attention. Often the reason there is a hub of activity in the ranch, those that enjoy playing, laughing and moving a lot in the ranch are often with Caramelo. Loved by many, and in particular, by Adric's mother, Candy, Caramelo is first and foremost a happy Pokémon. Often overlooked in favour of the more traditional fighter and travelling companion, Caramelo has shown the others that he has personality by the boatload. That being said, competitively he is very passive, and doesn't really take battling seriously, more focusing on the fun aspect of it and pretending that it is a game, as is wont with his outlook and persona. He has been named by a sweet treat often loved by citizens of the Ibera region and their dialect. He has never once used a move and therefore his battling abilities are currently unknown.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Unknown
Move Pool: Unknown
Argent [Carbink] — All the broken hearts in the world still beat, let's not make it harder than it has to be.
Nobody is entirely sure where Argent came from or what the Carbink is doing here, but it seems adamant about staying. It is likely that the Fairy- and Rock-type Pokémon was attracted by a large number of other Fairy-type Pokémon in the area and seemed to like it enough to make itself at home, which it has very much done. It gets along great with Indi the Chimecho, often soaring through the air to play with it or securing the area from the air, checking for any external threats. It remains one of only a handful of Pokémon to reside at the ranch that wasn't hatched or raised by Adric and his family. It is not a particularly social Pokémon, though it isn't in any way aggressive or ignorant either. It is known for its underlying curiosity though, and for that reason, can often be found with some of the younger, more inquisitive Pokémon too.
—Befriended in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Clear Body
Move Pool: Body Press, Explosion, Iron Defense, Magic Coat, Moonblast, Protect, Rest, Stealth Rock, Toxic, Trick Room
Hauʻoli Liʻiliʻi [Female Comfey] — All the broken hearts in the world still beat, let's not make it harder than it has to be.
A timid and shy Pokémon, Hau'oli is a precious Comfey hatched at the ranch in Farmeadow Town. Though rare and often more associated with the Alolan islands than Ausis, Adric still managed to get his hands on multiple eggs that were procured with thanks to Franklin the Ditto. What Hau'oli lacks in bravery and willingness to battle, she makes up for with indisposable use and excellent healing abilities, often being there for her companions and peers in the thick of battle, restoring their health and protecting them from incoming harm - something she perhaps doesn't realise is worth its weight in gold. Though never one to rush into battle to defend the ranch from threats, she is one to rush in to help a friend, seeing their pain or damage as an imminent emergency, much like a human obviously would. She has a beautiful traditional Alolan name in Adric's attempt to appreciate the culture she descends from.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Triage
Move Pool: Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Defog, Draining Kiss, Giga Drain, Hidden Power (Ground), Synthesis, Taunt, Trick, U-turn
Faraday [Male Rookidee] — 'Cause you're free to do what you want to do.
A quiet and solitary Pokémon with incredible, untapped potential. Faraday the Rookidee loves nothing more than resting in a tree, minding his own business with some peace and quiet. He has a good bond with a huge number of the Pokémon residing at the ranch with him, yet despite his friendliness, he is often alone. He is not easily annoyed - unless awakened, which can cause him to anger easily and loudly declare as such to his peers. Faraday has shown before that he can absolutely handle his own on a battlefield, displaying tremendous physical prowess in the thick of a fight - a feat that is quite remarkable for such a small Pokémon.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Big Pecks
Move Pool: Brave Bird, Endure, Facade, Retaliate, Revenge, Reversal, Rock Smash, Sky Attack, Substitute, U-turn
Morwena [Female Corvisquire] — That's the look, that's the look, the look of love.
Friendly, but often reserved, Morwena the Corvisquire often has trouble associating with other Pokémon. Though she wants to join in with games and play with other Pokémon, she often just caws at them, which can send the wrong message, when in truth she is just trying to communicate and have fun too. This can often lead to her feeling lonely and being snubbed by some of the bigger Pokémon who find her confusing, and the smaller Pokémon, who are frequently frightened by her. This loneliness can often lead to periods of brooding and sullen behaviour, which is not intentional. She is very good at training, especially when Adric is around. She can often be seen helping out with work on the ranch, including moving equipment from place to place, which she can do aerially.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Big Pecks
Move Pool: Brave Bird, Endure, Facade, Retaliate, Revenge, Reversal, Rock Smash, Sky Attack, Substitute, U-turn
Roc [Male Corviknight] — Relax your mind, take your time on me.
Of all the Pokémon that Adric owns, the most questions are raised by his friends and family as to why Roc is not on Adric's immediate battling team, and indeed the answer really only remains with Adric. Roc is an affectionate Pokémon, often nuzzling and preening his trainer and family, and the other Pokémon he lives with. Coupled with the fact that he is astonishingly strong, perhaps more so than any other at the ranch currently, and in many people's opinions than Adric's current entourage too. His perhaps greatest downfall is his tendency to underestimate the competition when battling, and this is perhaps why Adric keeps him at the ranch instead of travelling with him. His eagerness to battle and show off can result in a loss for the team, yet he remains a competent and tested battler, that often puts in a great deal of effort.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Mirror Armor
Move Pool: Body Press, Brave Bird, Bulk Up, Defog, Iron Defense, Power Trip, Roost, Substitute, Taunt, U-turn
Erous [Male Alternately-Coloured Rolycoly] — We've only just begun, hypnotized by drums.
When Adric began his decision to hatch Rock-type Pokémon after success with the Dwebble line, he had no idea how difficult it would be when he obtained a Rolycoly egg. For starters, he wasn't aware that the Rolycoly line was a gendered species, assuming that like Carbink, they might be genderless and more difficult to hatch. Secondly, it was months after that he realised that Rolycoly isn't naturally blue and that all three members of his Rolycoly evolutionary line were in fact of unique colouring. As of yet, this blue Rolycoly hasn't shown much in the way of personality or character traits, but he seems to be quite happy to be at the ranch with the others, causing little to no drama since his hatching.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Flash Fire
Move Pool: Dig, Facade, Gyro Ball, Iron Head, Protect, Rapid Spin, Rest, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Sleep Talk
Penn [Male Alternately-Coloured Carkol] — You look like a movie, you sound like a song.
The second in a series of blue-hued members of the Rolycoly line, Penn is a reckless Pokémon. Boisterous to the max, and often without finesse and manners, Penn is an avid battler. Despite that - he isn't very good. He acts rashly and fails to consider consequences, often leaving him vulnerable and exposed. Due to his lack of consideration and strategic thinking, he is almost always dismissed when Adric shuffles his team up when visiting home. It's not all bad though, what the Carkol lacks in critical thinking, he makes up for with confidence and is quick to encourage often Pokémon around him, whether it be in battle or otherwise.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Flame Body
Move Pool: Fire Spin, Heat Crash, Rapid Spin, Rock Blast, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Will-O-Wisp
Dean [Male Alternately-Coloured Coalossal] — We can just dance to this, don't take much to start me.
After evolving, this hulking brute of a Pokémon settled down in one corner of the ranch and decided against moving. This immovable object often meets the unstoppable force that is After evolving, this hulking brute of a Pokémon settled down in one corner of the ranch and decided against moving. This immovable object often meets the unstoppable force that is Synthia the Florges. Between the two of them, they try their best to protect and almost govern the rest of the Pokémon without the intervention of the humans at the ranch, such as Adric's parents and brothers. They do an excellent job between them, with very few incidents occurring - mostly the excitement there comes from unwelcome trespassers or wild Pokémon feeling particularly cavalier. Dean is a powerhouse at the ranch, but his insistence to not move has put others ahead of him when being considered for involvement on Adric's team. Like Roc the Corviknight, it only takes a small setback to prevent a powerful Pokémon from being sidelined in favour of someone unconventional, such as Philippa the Hattena.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Flame Body
Move Pool: Earth Power, Fire Blast, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave, Heavy Slam, Meteor Beam, Protect, Rapid Spin, Solar Beam, Spikes
Summer [Hattrem] — Whoa, oh, we ain't falling under.
A gracious and gentle Pokémon, Summer has a natural maternal instinct. She often finds herself in competition for that role by the plentiful amounts of Pokémon that share that trait with her, such as Mango Smoothie and of course, Synthia the Florges. Summer, however, isn't interested in competing with anyone. She much prefers sunbathing and has an accidental habit of psychically sending others to sleep - though they are often grateful for the induced sleep, it can and has caused problems in the past. Her intentions are always innocent and Summer doesn't have a malicious bone in her body. She enjoys swimming and spending time with others in and around the water.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Magic Bounce
Move Pool: Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Giga Drain, Healing Wish, Mystical Fire, Nuzzle, Psychic
Bay'a Gaga [Hatterene] — I'll do what I should have did, cause you're a real gone kid.
Bay'a Gaga is an incredibly mysterious Pokémon and one that Adric has not had a chance to fully understand yet. Though she seems to respect him and has enough patience, he can't be entirely sure about how she reacts around other Pokémon, particularly males. She has been known to viciously lash out at them when they get too close, which is why Bay'a Gaga is often alone, though this is clearly by design. She is a glorious Pokémon and one that many people will flock to the ranch for a chance to see. She is a rarity in Ausis, for sure, and even Adric had not seen one before she evolved from a Hattrem. Bay'a Gaga does not like Adric's brothers in the slightest, and will only approach Adric or his parents when she needs something. She has a decent relationship with other female Pokémon on the ranch, particularly La Dame de la Paix, but she does not really associate herself with Summer the Hattrem or Philippa the Hattena as one might imagine.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Magic Bounce
Move Pool: Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Expanding Force, Giga Drain, Mystical Fire, Protect, Psychic, Psyshock, Trick Room
Creme De La Creme [Milcery] — When two tribes go to war a point is all you can score.
A silly little Pokémon that is capable of sowing chaos wherever she goes. Creme De La Creme, imaginatively named by Adric, is a cute little trickster, prone to spinning around and bashing into people, objects and Pokémon alike for no discernable reason. She is, of course, very young and with that youth comes a level of exuberance. She loves to frolic around uncontrollably, expending any energy she happens to have on that day. Her ambitions lie in becoming as strong as her older variation, Antonia the Alcremie, whom she is enamoured with.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Aroma Veil
Move Pool: Acid Armor, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Facade, Fling, Recover, Round, Snore, Stored Power, Tackle
Antonia [Berry Sweet Ruby Cream Alcremie] — In the middle of the night, in my dreams you should see the things we do, baby.
Nonsensical and happy, Antonia the Alcremie never takes anything too seriously. Her upbeat nature makes her a hit with the other Pokémon at the ranch, and they enjoy being within her company. Not only that, but her dedication to the ranch and its inhabitants has made her a household name among the folks living in Farmeadow Town. She can absolutely hold her own in a battle too, with abilities and skills unknown to any would-be thieves or opportune trainers, as well as repelling any wild Pokémon that stray too close for comfort. Though she is happy to bequeath the title of ranch mother to Synthia the Florges, she certainly plays the caretaker role well, always insisting that the younger Pokémon, particularly the babies like Mime Jr. and Swirlix are well taken care of, fed, and safe.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Aroma Veil
Move Pool: Acid Armor, Aromatherapy, Calm Mind, Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Mystical Fire, Psychic, Recover, Rest, Stored Power
Silas [Male Stonjourner] — I take a walk.
The point in time in which Silas the Stonjourner turned up at the ranch is unclear, and nobody can positively pinpoint what made him arrive at the ranch. Nevertheless, he stoically stands motionless in the fields at the ranch, though for what reason, nobody can say. Very frequently he can be spotted from a mile off, standing astride minding his own business. This isn't unique to just him, as a number of the Pokémon in the menagerie, particularly Dean the Coalossal, are known for staying in place and not moving, but perhaps none of them does it with such humour and spontaneity than Silas.
—Befriended in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Power Spot
Move Pool: Body Press, Earthquake, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Self-Destruct, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Superpower
Nay Nay [Male Cufant] — Hello from the other side.
Nay Nay is a sweet, baby Pokémon that acts rather fickle. At times he can be excited and ready to play with the other Pokémon, and moments later he has decided he is quite shy and would rather return to Indusia's side, where he feels the safest. Nay Nay is a delicate Pokémon, despite his species' reputation for being a bulky and strong Steel-type. He is learning a lot being shadowed by Indusia, the evolved form of Indusia, and although he is wary of his surroundings, it is important to note that the ranch is very safe for him to learn and grow.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Sheer Force
Move Pool: Brick Break, Double-Edge, High Horsepower, Iron Head, Play Rough, Power Whip, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Steel Roller, Superpower
Indusia [Female Copperajah] — She's a killer queen, gunpowder, gelatine.
If Indusia was a part of a Copperajah or Cufant herd, she would undoubtedly be the matriarch. Powerful, wise and cautious in the extreme, Indusia the Copperajah has all the makings of a territorial and steadfast mother. Though she has lived in the vast ranch at Farmeadow Town all her life, her experiences have helped shape the Pokémon she has become. Others turn to her for guidance when they are unsure, battlers go to her for inspiration and knowledge, and humans turn to her when they need a reliable Pokémon or beast of burden. Her uses, though countless, have not granted her an opportunity on Adric's travelling team, though she hopes her time will come soon if only to explore somewhere other than the fields of the ranch.
—Hatched in Farmeadow Town.
Ability: Heavy Metal
Move Pool: Earthquake, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, High Horsepower, Iron Head, Power Whip, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Steel Roller, Stone Edge

I've been outta sight. I've been worried 'bout you lately. wrote:Adric defines the term 'pretty boy', and fortunately for him, he knows it. Boyishly handsome, with quirky features that turn heads for others, including his candy floss-coloured hair, and piercing raspberry eyes, when you see Adric, you will remember what he looks like without a second guess. He's tall, standing at a fair 6' 2", with an athletic and lean build, on account of his frequent physical activity. On a daily, he can often be covered in mud, dust, sand, sometimes manure, and sometimes wet from water.
He is often dressed in his self-proclaimed breeding garb, which includes pale green thick dungarees over a plain black t-shirt. It can often be pretty hot work, so thin layers are a must, but he wears heavy-duty, steel-toe-capped boots, often brown but sometimes black, to protect his feet when working (for fear of being stepped on by a heavier Pokémon). He's also often seen with a cap to protect from the sun, and a utility belt, usually red or brown, which contains anything he may need when working, such as smaller tools, or treats and snacks for Pokémon that he is actively working with. A broom is a common tool when cleaning out pens or feeding areas that Adric can be seen with.

Jane, I've made it plain although I'm faded as a ghost. wrote:Adric is a naturally kind and selfless individual, whose reputation for giving away Pokémon and making young people's dreams a reality by allowing them to become a Pokémon Trainer at no cost to him. This is a service he has provided for many hundreds of trainers, and for several years, and with little reward other than the satisfaction of their happiness and pride in his own behaviour. Socially, he is a bit of a recluse, and the bulk of his friends are also his family and his Pokémon, yet he has accrued a level of fame because of his good exploits.
His dream from a young hatch was to learn how to hatch and raise Pokémon of all kinds of species and make discoveries off his own bat, much like his father did at his age. Not known from backing down from something he wants, Adric managed to do exactly that, and now he has started his own ranch, which has been so successful that it has allowed him to shelter his whole family in a much larger home than he grew up in, as well as accommodating all of the Pokémon he has ever owned.
Easily interested in anything to do with Pokémon, he cares little for the happenings of humans, more focused on throwing himself into his life's work and operating an expansive ranch. He is largely unfazed by what people think of him, be it good or bad, though he is happy and grateful when praised or thanked for his work or actions. For these reasons, he can often be considered enigmatic and unsocial, but Adric is not bothered by that either. He has no experiences with romance or building a fundamentally deeper connection with strangers, although the idea isn't totally ruled out.

Love, it's hard, I know. wrote:Coming soon!

Can't you see that it's just raining. Ain't no need to go outside. wrote:When he was young, Adric knew exactly what it was he wanted to do when he grew up. He had seen his dad rearing and raising Pokémon since he was but a toddler and fell in love with the idea from that stage of his life. His father, however, had much less space and resources to do the job properly, so was always destined to have a harder time with the project than his son would. Especially when his father was also hindered by the raising of four sons with his beloved wife. Adric studied diligently at school, surpassing his peers with regards to all things Pokémon orientated. Not popular at school, but nor was he ignored or bullied, Adric coasted through his childhood and teenagehood with good grades and a relatively easy, unproblematic youth. Nobody bothered to mess with him since he had three brothers all within the same age bracket - nobody wanted to mess with four boys that all had each other's backs.
Adric was born and raised in Farmeadow Town, the southernmost point on the island nation of Ausis, due west of Galar, and northwest of Kalos. A beautiful town with a peaceful population, he never had ambitions to leave the area for somewhere nicer, busier or sunnier. When he began to attract success at hatching different Pokémon, he knew he would be able to fund a bigger place to run his operations. Though the bulk of his hatches and the Pokémon he came to possess were given away generously so others could start their journey, he also took requests from foreigners, dignitaries, experts, collectors, leaders, etcetera, far and wide who wanted him to hatch them all sorts of pedigree, specific Pokémon. Not only was he happy to do this for the learning experience, but people would often pay him outrageous sums for the privilege.
With this money, Adric was able to finance the ranch, a sprawling 60,000-acre plot of land just outside Farmeadow Town that has become a pivotal aspect of his story. On that very land, he was able to have a house built with his own specifications, capable of housing his parents, his brothers, and indeed himself and his Pokémon, with the assistance of multiple barns, sheds, and specialized housing for those that might need it. The ranch became home to 'the menagerie', an endearing term for any Pokémon not actively accompanying him as one of the six Pokémon that Pokémon trainers are legally allowed with them at any one time, who are also casually known as 'the entourage'.
The entourage is often changed in cycles, particularly when Adric has been away from the ranch on adventures or trips, he will lovingly shake-up to allow Pokémon from the menagerie a chance to join him for a while. He considers this a healthy opportunity for all the Pokémon that he owns and loves to get a chance to shine, and they all seem to appreciate it. His parents are able to look after the many Pokémon kept there in his absence, and he employs several members of staff to assist too, who are happy for the business opportunities which are lacking in Farmeadow. Nobody opposed Adric's purchase of the land outside Farmeadow, fearing that a magnate or tycoon would build houses or factories with the area. Instead, he has kept it as fertile land that can be appreciated by both his Pokémon and wild Pokémon and maintaining a green area around the town, which the citizens all welcomed tremendously.
These days, Adric spends a lot less timing as a Pokémon breeder, and far more time as a Pokémon Trainer - confident that he has exhausted the novelty of hatching mystery eggs and taking requests from every Tom, Dick and Harry, Adric now channels his time into battling competitively, something that he has also come to appreciate as a talent. He has overwhelming respect for his Pokémon, and his knowledge of them and their abilities far surpasses that of his parents and his brothers, and this shows on the battlefield - he can commandeer his Pokémon so well that his ambitions to become an excellent Pokémon Trainer are now in fruition, and he hopes to challenge multiple Pokémon Leagues when given the opportunity. As such, this is his current destiny.

Give me just a little more time! wrote:Coming soon!